My ebscohost does not work. How do I retrieve these articles?


1. You might try to empty your cookies on your computer and also try a different browser (if you are using IE) change that. Then try again to get in.
2. If you are getting an Ebsco error page with a circle of stars, look for the button at the top of the page that tells you to try or retry and do that. You should then get the state databases, but if you click on Ebscohost, you should get back to the OU databases.
3. If that is not the problem, then you might verify your password and id with IT by going to the OUhelpdesk page on the portal and either emailing or calling the desk for help to reset your OU password.
If you still are unable to get in please give me a call today at 785-248-2536 and we can see about helping you with getting articles.
  • Last Updated Sep 25, 2014
  • Views 14
  • Answered By Gloria Creed-Dikeogu

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