EBSCOhost: Ask-A-Librarian

Name: Katrina Ontiveros E-mail Address: katrina.ontiveros@student.ottawa.edu Question: When I click on this link that is in my online class through Ottawa I am directed to a log in page. It won't take me to my article. I spoke to the Ottawa help desk and they helped me to login this far, but no one knows how to find this article. What do I do? http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=78064122&site=ehost-live Search History attachment (html)


Hello Katrina

I see that the persistent link is not working. What class is this for and what instructor? We have made some changes in other BB classes on persistent links, and so it looks like that change did not carry over to your class.

Would you mind sending me the name of the article and the author's name and I can look it up and email the article on to you?

Gloria Creed-Dikeogu

Director of Library Services


  • Last Updated Sep 25, 2014
  • Views 31
  • Answered By Virtual Librarian

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