how do i find electronic articles avout adolescent psycholgy on the myers library catalog


Hello Frances

The Myers Library Catalog is our book and hardcopy journal catalog for the physical library and you cannot use it to find full-text periodicals unless you want to use the hardcopy journals that are available in the physical library.

If you want to find full-text articles in our online library then you have to go to the library's online periodicals which are located in the Online Library Databases. If you login with your OUID and password to the OU Portal and go to the Myers Library Online page, you will see a link to the Online Library Databases. The databases are organized in alphabetical order, so go to Ebscohost. In Ebscohost you will find a large number of journals, but for Psychology you have to checkmark two online databases and they are the PsycArticles database and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences database. Then once you have checkmarked them you can click return and it will give you a search box for entering your search terms. Make sure that you check the full-text and peer-reviewed boxes below the search box before you enter your search in the box.

If you need further help with your search, please email me or call me back.

Gloria Creed-Dikeogu, Myers Library at Ottawa University


  • Last Updated Sep 25, 2014
  • Views 490
  • Answered By Virtual Librarian

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