I'm looking for the College Student Journal, v47 n1 p34-40 March 2013

I'm looking for the College Student Journal, v47 n1 p34-40 March 2013
Its an article by McDonald, Sylvia E.
The effects and predictor value of in class texting behavior on final course grades



The journal article is available in our databases. To find it  and download it do the following:

Go to our new library website at ottawa.edu

  • Click on Academics and then the Gangwish Library link
  • Go to Resource Search then
  • Go to Research Databases link then
  • Go to the Fulltext Finder
  • In that search box enter the title of the journal "College Student Journal"
  • If we have it, you will see what database the journal is in as it will say it is in full text, click on it
  • If we do not have it you will have to request an Interlibrary loan (it can take a week to get it)
  • If we have it then you can browse the journal by year, volume number and you can go to the article in the database
  • Once you have found the article you can email it to yourself by clicking the blue + next to it and sending it to a yellow folder and then emailing it to yourself.



Gloria Dikeogu  Ph.D, Gangwish Library

  • Last Updated Apr 05, 2021
  • Views 33
  • Answered By Gloria Creed-Dikeogu

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