Looking for smoking researches
Hello Tom
I would suggest going to our Ebscohost Database and combining Medical and Psychology databases. I did a search when combining APA PsychArticles & Academic Search Premier & Cinahl using the terms Smoking effects and Cigarette health effects and found 8500 articles. Before doing your search make sure you limit the search limitations below your search box to full-text and peer-reviewed. You can try different terms. When you enter a term watch the information that appears below the box as it will give you options to enter. Try combining terms until you find what you are looking for. In Ebscohost you can also choose the language you want to search in so you can also search Ebscohost in your own language.
I do hope this helps. If not, please call me at 785-248-2536 between 9am and 5pm CST.
Gloria Dikeogu, Gangwish Library